Focus T25 Day 21 (Total Body)
277 calories
Barely made it.
Week 5 begins. And it was a disaster. The break from the program really did a number on my endurance. I was unable to keep up with the planks and jogged instead. My punches were weak at the end. All in all, I did a terrible job.
I had been contemplating earlier whether to repeat the Alpha stage at the end of the five weeks. After today’s performance, I’m leaning that way. If the Beta program builds on this one, then I’m going to be in trouble. If I’m barely making it through the Alpha stage, then it’s probably not worth it to continue to Beta.
So after this week, I plan to restart Alpha.
About this blog, it’s largely for me to put my thoughts down to track progress. But I also thought it would be helpful for those beginning the program to read what it’s like for a regular guy to start the program. I suspect, through 5 weeks, you’ll probably get the gist of it, so I’m not sure if I’m going to continue with giving daily updates, especially when I’m restarting the Alpha program. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. And then I’ll have to make another decision in about six weeks when I will be ready for the Beta program.