
Focus T25 Week 3-4

Fitbit data - 124bpm; 1 min. peak, 17 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min.
Fitbit data – 124bpm; 1 min. peak, 17 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min.


Focus T25 Day 14 (Cardio)

310 calories

Nailed it-.

I did the cardio workout in the morning, about eight hours after last night’s lower body. Surprisingly, I only needed to make two modification — one during the pivot lunge + touch floor, and the on your mark + up downs. Other than that, I felt like I nailed the routine.

The modification for the pivot lunge + touch floor may be explained by last night’s heavy lower body workout. But the on your mark + up downs? On a normal day, I can nail that one.

But I was just beat by that time. What’s interesting is that 12 minutes into it, I thought, “I got this!” I was keeping up with everything. Six minutes left and I was checking the clock every few seconds. At three minutes left, I thought about stopping. But quickly realized that I could do three minutes so I pushed myself even more.

Done and nailed it (well, mostly).