
Focus T25 Week 3-5b

Fitbit data - 123bpm; 0 min. peak, 14 min. cardio, 15 min. fat burn; 9 cal/min.
Fitbit data – 123bpm; 0 min. peak, 14 min. cardio, 15 min. fat burn; 9 cal/min.


Focus T25 Day 15b (Abs)

270 calories

Barely made it.

It’s official. The Abs workout is the most difficult of all the Alpha cycle workout. It’s now surpassed Speed 1.0. Perhaps at the end of next week, I’ll rank them in level of difficulty.

I would not consider this a successful day. Earlier, I mentioned my dissatisfaction with the Total Body workout. I knew I would have trouble with the Abs as well, especially considering my past history, and sure enough, it was a killer.

Today marks the first time I made it through the Abs workout with the Fitbit working properly. On both previous occasions, I forgot to start the Fitbit so I don’t have accurate data. This will be the baseline for future comparisons.

Perhaps it’s because of my long legs and torso, but the plank exercises are especially tough and I’m still have a lot of trouble with the ‘V’ exercises.

In two weeks, I’m supposed to graduate from the Alpha cycle to the Beta cycle. I don’t see that happening as I’m still struggling so much with this Abs routine. Even though I still have a long way to go, I’m already considering redoing the Alpha cycle before moving on to the Beta cycle. I need to be confident that I can nail every routine since this is the foundation for future workouts.