
Focus T25 Week 3-2

Focus T25 Day 12 (Speed 1.0)

??? calories

Barely made it+.

After just completing the Day 11 total body circuit, I rested by turning on the boob tube. Can you guess what infomercial was on? Yep, there was Shaun T. hawking the Focus T25 program. About ten minutes was enough to motivate me to catch up with Tuesday’s scheduled workout. Yes, that’s right, double day Tuesday.

And I nailed it! Ok, well, not really nailed it, but I was satisfied with my effort. The most difficult exercise was the one handed burpees. Instead, I…waited about two seconds, and then did two handed burpees.

I also nailed the 1-2-3 clap. Ok, so my footwork was not as smooth as everyone else’s, it was passable. The end of the routine was a killer, though because the exercises switched very quickly.

I was surprised that, sick as I am, that I was able to do two routines in one night. I’m glad that I’m caught up for this week. Of course, I did cheat somewhat. I was so tired and thirsty that I walked to the 7-11 next door and bought myself a very large Slurpee. You win some, you lose some.