
Focus T25 Week 3-1

Focus T25 Day 11 (Total Body)

??? calories

Barely made it+.

Life happens. I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later. I missed a day. Monday was supposed to be the total body workout, but I was feeling sick as a dog. Who gets a cold in August? Well, me.

I didn’t feel much better the next day, but I couldn’t fall two days behind. Therefore, I mustered up enough energy to do the total body circuit. And you know what? I did very well. I kept up with most of the exercises. I suspect that I could have marked ‘Nailed it’, but there’s always room for improvement. Today’s trouble exercises were the plank walks + in + out abs. Well, that, and anything else with plank in its name. But other than that I felt I did very well.

I had to do today’s workout in a hotel room, as I’m out of town for today and tomorrow. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my Fitbit with me, so there’s no Fitbit data.