
Focus T25 Week 2-4

Fitbit data - 125bpm; 0 min. peak, 19 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min
Fitbit data – 125bpm; 0 min. peak, 19 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min

Focus T25 Day 9 (Cardio)

308 calories

Barely made it.

My schedule was off. I knew I was going to be unable to do the workout on Thursday, and Friday morning was iffy. So I had to push back this workout by a day and a half. It’s late Friday night and I thought, oh, it’s cardio again. I can do it.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. I usually do the routine upstairs in the living room. However, I was afraid that the sound and the shake of the jumping would be too much for those sleeping, so I decided to go down into the garage.

I thought, this would kill two birds with one stone — I won’t wake the wife, and I can wear shoes, which (I believed) would have helped with the pivot lunges and other exercises. Well, not so…

Almost immediately into the program, my feet started to ache, especially when up on the balls of my feet. It progressively got worse until I was doing all the exercises flat-footed, and then it became ridiculous. I trudged along for about 12 minutes, but eventually I had to stop and was about to call it a night.

After a few minutes of rest, I decided to try it without my shoes. It may have been the combination of concrete floor (at least the carpet and wood floors upstairs had some give) and my shoes that caused my feet to hurt. Surprisingly, I was able to continue. You can see from the graph the time, about 12 minutes into the program where my heart rate went up significantly. My socks are a mess and I had to endure the annoyance of stepping on a few gravel bits here and there, but I finished the routine with little modification.

I still had problems with the pivot lunges with and without shoes, and I got very tired during the hop squats and hop hop up + backs. But other than that I felt really good about my second half effort. Perhaps it was because I got a lot of rest during the first half.

Like last week, I’ll have to push the double Friday routine into the weekend. At this moment, I’m not looking forward to it. I’m sure I’ll change my mind by tomorrow.