Focus T25 Day 8 (Speed 1.0)
317 calories
Barely made it.
What would be two steps below ‘barely made it’? Would it be ‘not even close’? That’s how I felt at the end of this routine. I definitely was trying, but this routine was way too fast for me.
Granted, this was my first time through, and I know that once I master the twelve or so moves, I’ll do much better. Coming into it without knowing anything was overwhelming. It started out easy enough with the quick feet up + back. Sure, I can do it, even at that pace. Moving quick jabs, sure; maybe not at that speed, but I can do it. Then 1-2-3 clap??? Holy cow! If it were slowed to half speed, I might be able to do it. That one is trouble. I never did get it right.
I think it’s the combination of upper arm movements with the quick footwork that does me in. I’m not coordinated enough (yet!) to do it smoothly. Even with the quick jabs, I needed to concentrate on moving my feet properly.
The whole routine was too fast. At the end, they’re changing up the exercises every few seconds, just as I got the last move down. I’m not sure how I will do in the future with this one. The Alpha cycle lasts five weeks, only four of which have Speed 1.0. I missed the first week by playing the wrong routine. Therefore I only have two workouts left to master it. Um…yeah, not a chance.
But, that doesn’t mean I can’t keep plugging though it.