
Focus T25 Week 2-2

Fitbit data - 125bpm; 0 min. peak, 29 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min.
Fitbit data – 125bpm; 0 min. peak, 19 min. cardio, 9 min. fat burn; 11 cal/min.

Focus T25 Day 7 (Total Body)

311 calories

Barely made it.

I’d like to blame today’s subpar performance to this morning’s (unrelated) workout. This morning was also a total body workout, and I know what you’ll say about giving the muscles 48 hours to rest. Well, that may be true, but I fit in what I can.

That said, I’m still having trouble on the pushup and plank exercises. I start out fine, but my arms quickly turn to jello. I had to get up a few times to rest. Of course, a few seconds later, I’d convince myself to get down and continue. I’d like to say that I’m making progress, but it’s tough to see when I’m taking breaks.

However, by comparing the calories burned to days 2/3, (I knew that Fitbit data would come in handy), I see that I burned more calories today (311 vs. 275/290) and my cardio minutes have gone up (19 vs. 12/12). So maybe I was pushing myself a little harder.

And that is not surprising. In fact, my unrelated workout have been improving since I started the Focus T25 program. I find myself pushing myself just a little harder, and that’s a good feeling. Inspiration to do better can come from all different places.

There is a famous picture of NFL player Kellen Winslow taken after the 1982 AFC divisional playoff game between the Chargers and Dolphins – the Epic in Miami, arguably the greatest football game ever played. After giving everything he had, Winslow needed help off the field by his teammates. I use that image as inspiration for me to push just a little bit harder. If he could bring himself to the brink of dehydration and collapse after a grueling 73 minute playoff game, well then I at least can get in 1-2 extra curls.