Focus T25 Day5a (Lower)
315 calories
Barely made it.
I wasn’t able to do the Focus T25 program on the suggested day (Friday). That morning, I had my regular workout and we went for a moonlight paddle in the nearby bay in the evening. Saturday didn’t work out very well, as we had other commitments. I knew that I would have time on Sunday to do the double T25 workout, so I didn’t worry about it.
I know that’s not as ideal as a Friday session, which leaves two days of rest before the next week. But it’s the best I could do with my schedule.
So, the lower body workout. It wasn’t as bad as Day 4’s ab intervals, or day 2/3’s total body. But it was tiring. The squats and especially squat pulses almost killed me. That’s right, spontaneous human combustion because my legs were on fire.
Well, not quite that bad, but squat after squat was too much. I concentrated more on getting the movements right, rather than keeping up. This was especially true on the lunge squat progressions, where I was could not keep my balance during the hops. I slowed it down, and, while still a little off-balance, I didn’t feel like I was on the edge of falling over.